Interview with Jonathan Caicedo Galindo of Cutting East Film Festival by Eastlondonradio on Mixcloud

Jonathan Caicedo Galindo sits down with Mel to talk about The Cutting East Film Festival which will be part of the East End Film Festival this June and explores current issues affecting young people in East London such as stereotypes and identity. They are currently recruiting young people from 16 to 21 to join their team!

For more information please visit, follow them on twitter @cuttingeast and on facebook at… .

If you like the track , check out Clean Bandit here –

Melissa Palleschi is the Creative Director of East London Radio and Host of the Culture Hour. She’s currently looking for volunteers interested in covering all sorts of wonderful cultural events happening in London.

Mel can be found on twitter @mjpalleschi or email @EastLondonRadio