East London Radio is a social enterprise, run entirely by volunteers, established in 2013 to bring the area its own radio station and radio training/volunteering opportunities for individuals. Following phenomenal growth, we need to establish a support team to ensure the smooth running of our radio station, which in 2015 will be based in Leytonstone, Poplar, Canning Town and Ilford. Location for volunteering will mainly be in Leytonstone, but may vary from day to day. This is an exciting time to join a very friendly and diverse group of volunteers, as we continue to expand everything we do. There will be opportunities to volunteer from home, for technical work, for which a good broadband connection and relatively fast computer would be needed. All roles can be shared between several people (on a rota basis) and volunteering from a minimum of 2 hours every week would be ideal. Volunteers with available time could decide to help with several of these roles. Training, guidance and support would be given. The roles will evolve, driven by the new volunteers themselves. We regret we do not have the means to pay expenses to any volunteers.
Broadcast Assistant
- To assist by ensuring all live shows are broadcast without problems, to time and the stream is connected at all times.
- Would be based at our Leytonstone studio initially and working on Thursdays, Saturdays and Wednesday evenings.
- During the live shows, promoting via ELR’s social media channels including Twitter, Facebook & Instagram to maximise awareness of the live broadcasts & mobile apps
- Miscellaneous support for programme presentation volunteers
Content Assistant
- To assist with basic audio edits and preparing recorded shows for our 24/7 radio playout
- Updating the ‘listen again’ function on the ELR website by uploading audio, embedding in our site & creating a tracking links for social media
- Informing listeners, presenters & producers of the upload via email and social media channels
- This could be undertaken from home, or different locations, and there would be some work most days, but mainly on Mondays, working on shows which have been recorded over the weekend.
Station Assistant
- To assist with booking volunteers meetings and handling initial responses to volunteer enquiries and introductions
- Updating and maintaining an accurate database of volunteers and booking studio time for them.
- Maintain role vacancy list.
- Book studio time for volunteers to ensure new content is recorded daily and liaise with the broadcast & content assistants to ensure all broadcasts are recorded and uploaded in line with agreed SLA’s
- Manage newsletters and other communications to new and existing volunteers
- This role could be partly from home via email, or from our various locations.
- Opportunity to learn and/or use existing editing skills to support programme teams, to build finished shows from various live and pre-recorded parts and ensure content meets ELR standards and Ofcom broadcast code.
- Location may vary according to programme and day of the week
Events Assistant
- To support planning and success of any live events – outside broadcasts, special events and live spoken word/music performances at partner venues in and around East London
- Ensuring all events run smoothly to promote a positive & professional perception of ELR.
- Need for volunteers will vary according to numbers of events, but we would expect mainly to be evenings and weekends, with a high demand for us to visit local events over weekends in summer 2015.
Training Assistant
- In liaison with Station Assistant, to organise and ensure all volunteers progress through our induction and training schedule
- Record all outcomes & future mentors for new volunteers
- Train when required to learning objectives & agreed interventions
- Likely to be based at our main Leytonstone premises.
Production Assistant
- The majority of our programmes are run by presenters themselves, but we have a few opportunities for driving the radio studio desk for presenters and their guests.
- You would become a key part of the programme team, and could help develop and improve a programme format and content.
- This could include recording occasional interviews with visitors to the station.
- Roles could be based at any of our studios, at times/days dependent upon when the presenters volunteer themselves.
- We regularly receive requests to interview people from organisations and businesses across East London, and attend events for radio review, either at our studios or remotely with portable recorders.
- We need an available pool of reliable and flexible volunteers who can work to their own initiative to follow up on such requests and represent ELR, in close liaison with various programme teams, such as Culture, Sport, Book and News.
- This can involve attending high profile local and national events and press conferences, and review tickets for film and theatre performances.
To Apply for any of these roles, or to discuss further, please email volunteers@eastlondonradio.org.uk and we will be holding group meetings in January 2015 (and regularly thereafter) to explain more about ELR and the roles available, as well as one to one meetings later.
It would be useful in your initial email if you could indicate your likely availability for volunteering and regularity, any relevant past experience and what you would like to learn and benefit from, through your involvement with us.
We look forward to hearing from you.